Are Robbie Williams fans too dangerous to have an official chat run on the star’s website?

Articles, Internet & technology

The3Heroes herewith regret having sent a proposal for an official chatroom to Robbie Williams. Immediately upon receipt The3Heroes’ Ms Crämer was called by the now former director of Robbie Williams Com Ltd.

The director and her talked about dangers coming from fans and the closure of several chat rooms. At that time Ms Crämer was unaware about the extreme violence that was still going on within the Robbie Williams fan-scene. Unfortunately it is still violent. Ms Crämer regrets that she was unable to seeing the dangers coming from the Robbie Williams ‘fan-base as was foreseen by Robbie Williams Com Ltd.

Shortly after the conversation one fansite, that now no longer exists, ran into great controversy because of bestiality and other perversion in text form in the message board. Charges were pressed. According to a Düsseldorf police officer, the British based website could have been suspected of distribution of pornography, bestiality, and glorification of violence. Because of the server being in the UK nothing could be done.

In Germany, such a crime can be charged with 3 years in prison or a heavy fine. Only recently a Robbie Williams “fan” suggested to sing that loud with fellow fans that Robbie Williams shall suffer an acute hearing loss during his next tour. They disbelieve the terror alerts for the UK singer.

Ms Crämer’s former business partners are no longer part of The3Heroes and ended partnership in December 2005. Today The3Heroes offer PR and editorial services and live moderation. These services have nothing do with moderation of chats or message boards.

Likely “fans” damaged the car of Ms Crämer. Photography can be found on the The3Heroes website

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