Bon Jovi attacks Oasis, Williams and Beckham


Singer Jon Bon Jovi has launched a scathing attack at British rockers Oasis and pop star Robbie Williams – insisting their music is so bad they “couldn’t fill a bar”.

The Livin’ On A Prayer hitmaker also hits out at troubled Babyshambles frontman Pete Doherty and pokes fun at soccer ace David Beckham in the new issue of Glamour magazine. He says of Williams: “That guy? He couldn’t fill a bar. He couldn’t even sell 500 tickets. 

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  • Frankly Jon, I can’t believe you’ve made these comments.It is certain that you can’t like all kind of music, but what is incredible is that you say that Robbie can’t sell 500 tickets.Fortunately, there are thousands of fans worldwide supporting him which makes you appear as a jealous guy???

  • Excuse me, but I’ve seen comments above me and I definitely don’t agree to them.

    Jon’s a good guy! He’s been in the industry for such a long time. He knows what’s right and what isn’t.

    But though I am pretty shocked about this news… I think Jon was just being honest about his opinions and thoughts. He isn’t jealous! There isn’t anything for him to be jealous about.

    Jon is blond, Rob is brunette. Jon has children, Rob doesn’t. Jon is a rock star and Robbie is a pop star. Jon is American and Rob is a Brit. Nothing much in common.

    I’m a Rob fan and a Jon fan. Those two guys are like my favorite people on earth and it just seemed so random and such a coincidence! Among all the men in the world it would be the two of them who are in hot water.

    I still love you Rob. But I still love Jon. I just wish he didn’t have to attack Rob that way so it wouldn’t seem so rude. But I’m sure Jon was just exaggerating about it. He just wanted to say that Rob needed to do better. Jon is just trying to help Rob become a better singer.

    Love you Jon! It’ll be fine Rob… Don’t think about what others think of you… I’m still one of your fans!

  • as robbie says or has tattooed on his chest “chacun ses gouts” (everyone has their own tastes), which is very true, but even if bon jovi doesn’t like robbie williams, he can’t say robbie can’t sell 500 tickets, robbie is one of he most famous, richest, funniest, good looking artist in the world, and cann sell 500 tickets in a flash. and personally i reckon robbie is more famous and loved than jovi what’s his name, and robbies tickets would sell a lot faster than jovi guy….

  • Jon Bon Jovi ha fatto bene ad attaccare quei sopravvalutati degli Oasis visto che non fanno altro che plagiare a destra e sinistra, soprattutto dai Beatles e nonostante tutto riescono ancora ad essere arroganti…Per il resto parlano i numeri,i Bon Jovi oltre ad essere la più grande rockband americana riempono gli stadi in Inghilterra e nel resto d’Europa(ad eccezione dell’ Italia forse),l’Have A Nice Day Tour del 2005 è stato il terzo tour più visto dell’anno superando il Vertigo Tour degli U2, gli Oasis fuori dall’Inghilterra fanno poca strada e in U.S.A. meno ancora.

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