Robbie Williams ‘addicted’ to sugar-free ice-lollies

Gossips, Personal life

Pop star Robbie Williams has become ‘addicted’ to sugar-free ice-lollies after piling on the pounds made him the butt of jokes. The singer was labelled ‘Blobby Williams’ by the British press after he left Take That in 1995 and started putting on weight. According to his ex-lover/ actress Suzanne Coppin, the 33-year-old singer now eats sugar-free ice-lollies in order to control his weight.

Suzanne Coppin: “His freezer was huge but all that seemed to be in it were these ice lollies. He said he ate them all the time, as they didn’t make him fat (…)He knows the calorie content off by heart of every single thing he puts in his mouth and is addicted to eating these lollies. He must eat 20 of them a day”.  ( / Nina Sahu)

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